Hope Quotes

      “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.”
- Martin Luther 

      “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

      “Hope is the raw material from which faith builds the house.”
- Rex Rouis

      “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
- Helen Keller 

      “You can have hope without faith, but you can not have faith without hope!
- Randy Furco

      “We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes.
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

         “Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.”
- Francis Bacon 

       “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
Martin Luther King, Jr

      “I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.
Dalai Lama

       “Hope is the dream of a waking man.

      “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” 
- Bil Keane

       “Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday.
John Wayne

       “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.
George Washington Carver

      “Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.”
- George Weinberg

      “Without hope, there is no despair. There is only meaningless suffering.”
– D. Morgenstern

      "Hope is the last thing ever lost."
- Italian Saying

       "To be without hope is like being without goals, what are you working towards?"
- Catherine Pulsifer

       “Hope is outreaching desire with expectancy of good. It is a characteristic of all living“
- beings. Edward S. Ame 

       “Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent.”
- Mignon mclaughlin

      “Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances which we know to be desperate.”
- G. k. chesterton

      “Hope is the only universal liar who never loses his reputation for veracity.” 
- Robert G. Ingersoll

      “When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
- Anonymous

       “Things start out as hopes and end up as habits.
Lillian Hellman

        “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.” 
- Pablo Neruda

       “There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.
- O. S. Marden 

       “Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.
- Lin Yutang 

      “One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.” 
- Antonio Porchia

      “ Hope is medicine for a soul that’s sick and tired.
- Eric Swensson 

       “Hope is one of the principal springs that keep mankind in motion.”
- Thomas Fuller 

       “Hope is the pillar that holds up the world.
- Pliny the Elder 

       “We judge of man’s wisdom by his hope.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

       “Get Hope & get joy, get joy & get strength.
- Rex Rouis

       “Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes off our goal.
- Henry Ford 

       “Whatever is the object of a saint’s hope is the subject of his prayer.
- William Gurnall 

       “We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.
- Martin Luther King Jr

       “If it were not for hopes, the heart would break.
- Thomas Fuller

       “You've gotta have hope.  Without hope life is meaningless.  Without hope life is meaning less and less.” 
- Anonymous

        “Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.”  
-George Iles

       “A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.

        “I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be.”
- Thomas Jefferson